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Your Building's Energy Use
Data is not available for this building.
¹ Energy use is measured in kBtu/sqft. Energy Use Intensity (EUI) is annual energy use per square foot. kBtu represents 1,000 British Thermal Units. Since electricity, gas, and fuel oil use are all measured in different units, kBtu is used to convert energy sources into common units, making our building energy comparison easier.
² Reductions may come from a combination of measures across energy sources, such as electric, gas, and fuel oil. Our savings estimate is based on average gas, electric, and steam rates; actual savings rates may vary.
5-Year Goal: 15% reduction
in energy use from 2014 levels
Reach this goal and you'll save
Your 2018 ENERGY STAR score is
0 is least efficient and 100 is most efficient. The average score for your building type in Boston is .
¹ Energy use is measured in kBtu/sqft. Energy Use Intensity (EUI) is annual energy use per square foot. kBtu represents 1,000 British Thermal Units. Since electricity, gas, and fuel oil use are all measured in different units, kBtu is used to convert energy sources into common units, making our building energy comparison easier.
² Reductions may come from a combination of measures across energy sources, such as electric, gas, and fuel oil. Our savings estimate is based on average gas, electric, and steam rates; actual savings rates may vary.
For free guidance on reducing your building's energy use, make an appointment with our team at the City of Boston's Environment Department by email: environment@boston.gov or phone: 617-635-3850.